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Brooklyn Basement Podcast
Mr. Nuevayol: Social Media vs Stand-Up, Embracing immigrant accents | Brooklyn Basement Podcast

Mr. Nuevayol: Social Media vs Stand-Up, Embracing immigrant accents | Brooklyn Basement Podcast

we sit down with Mr. Nuevayol, a popular Dominican comedian, Instagram influencer, and rising star in the stand-up comedy scene. Known for his viral videos and signature Dominican accent, Mr. Nuevayol reveals that the accent is actually a character—reflecting not just his roots but also a way to empower immigrants to embrace their cultural identity and native accents with pride. Mr. Nuevayol dives into the debate between traditional stand-up comedians and social media comedians, discussing the challenges and skepticism social media stars face when transitioning to live stand-up stages. He shares his admiration for comedians who built careers on both fronts and explains his vision for bridging the gap between social media content and stand-up comedy. Throughout the interview, Mr. Nuevayol also opens up about his childhood in the foster care system and how comedy became his path to a better life. He expresses gratitude for his platform, revealing future plans to expand his career into film production while continuing to merge the worlds of online content and live performance. If you're a fan of Dominican humor, Instagram influencers, or curious about the growing conversation around social media comedy vs. traditional stand-up, this interview is a must-watch! 📺 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more exclusive interviews! #DominicanComedian #InstagramInfluencer #SocialMediaComedy #StandUpComedy #DominicanInfluencer #ImmigrantAccents #ComedyDebate #FosterCareJourney #FilmProductionPlans #MrNuevayol #brooklynbasementpodcast #comedypodcast
Angel “Chi-Chi” Salazar (Scarface / Carlito’s Way) & Joselito Dapuppet | Brooklyn Basement Podcast

Angel “Chi-Chi” Salazar (Scarface / Carlito’s Way) & Joselito Dapuppet | Brooklyn Basement Podcast

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Brooklyn Basement Podcast! This week, we are thrilled to welcome a special guest co-host, the viral comedy sensation Joselito Da Puppet. Together, we dive into an engaging interview with the legendary actor and comedian Angel "Chi Chi" Salazar.Angel Salazar is best known for his unforgettable roles in iconic films such as "Scarface" and "Carlito's Way," both directed by Brian De Palma. Recognized by many as Tony Montana's (Al Pacino) loyal bodyguard and friend, Chi Chi is a character that left a lasting impact on moviegoers. Who can forget the famous line, "ChiChi, get the yayo!" from "Scarface"?In this episode, Angel shares his incredible journey from escaping Cuba as a teenager to pursuing his dream of becoming an actor in the United States. We explore his early days studying theater and acting, and how watching comedy legends like Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor inspired him to take up stand-up comedy.Join us as Angel reminisces about wild nights partying with the likes of Robin Williams and shares a plethora of hilarious stories that only Chi Chi can tell. This episode is packed with laughter, insights, and a look behind the scenes of some of the most beloved films in cinema history.Don't miss out on this fantastic episode featuring Angel Salazar and Joselito Da Puppet!#Scarface #TonyMontana #AlPacino #ChiChiGetTheYayo #BrianDePalma #AngelSalazar #CarlitosWay #JoselitoDaPuppet #BrooklynBasementPodcast #CubanActor #EscapeFromCuba #AmericanDream #StandUpComedy #abnerarrivera #EddieMurphy #RichardPryor #RobinWilliams #ComedyLegend #80sMovies #90sMovies #ClassicFilms #HollywoodStories #BehindTheScenes #IconicMovies #CultClassics #MovieQuotes #ActorInterview #ComedianInterview #ViralSensation #Joselito #PodcastEpisode #ComedyPodcast #williesweets #FilmDiscussion #brooklynbasementpodcast
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